
Taman Wisata Iman Sitinjo

Taman Wisata Iman Sitinjo

Religion & Culture


Taman Wisata Iman Sitinjo

Tourism Information

TWI is a religious tourism site. TWI does not only represent one of the recognized religions in Indonesia but all religions. Representing what is meant is that in TWI there are various buildings that are considered historic for the adherents of their respective religions. Starting from the place of worship to miniature buildings that are considered historic and commemorate important events for adherents.

In Taman Wisata Faith we can see:

  • Saddhavadana monastery with a statue of Buddha Rupang
  • Statue of Abraham, statue of the Prophet Moses, Church of the Ecumenical, Cave of the Virgin Mary, and Noah's Boat
  • The Journey of Life of Jesus Christ consisting of the Sheep Shed in Bethlehem, Jesus feeds 5000 people, Jesus prays in the Garden of Getman, 14 stages of the cross journey (Via Dolorosa), Mount Golgata and the Resurrection of Jesus
  • Hindu temple
  • Hajj Manasik Field and Mosque.
  • Firdaus

Source : Click here

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